In 2017, Momentum prepared a white paper raising the idea of ‘accountability pilot programs’ as a way states could engage and support innovation in the measures, assessments, and systems involved in accountability. In 2019, the idea was adopted in Colorado as the Local Accountability System program. Momentum is working in collaboration with The New America School-Colorado to operate MOPP, which includes a consortium of Colorado AECs committed to strengthening the alignment of measures and assessments to their specific mission and student populations. The three-year project features a measure alignment process that matches a school’s profile to available and/or relevant measures and assessments for both internal and external purposes. Notably, every participating school has identified mission and/or student-centered improvements to their measures and assessments.
The resulting data are compiled into a Supplemental and/or Progress Report that provides more accurate and relevant outcome data to both the school and for upstream accountability purposes.
Resources: Roadmap document in Resources and Accountability Demonstration Programs document
Become involved: While MOPP is no longer taking additional participants, schools interested in measure alignment can learn more about our process through the Roadmap overview. With the help of an external evaluator, Momentum has documented the MOPP experience for replication elsewhere. Interested schools, accountability authorities, and supporting organizations can also learn more about MOPP-type accountability demonstration projects.